Build a Web3 App - Website Set Up

The website will be deployed using Replit.

Set up a Replit account and fork this repo.

Then go to alchemy, set up an account and create a new app. Choose Rinkeby as the network.

Getting fake $$

Set MetaMask network to Rinkeby.

Create an account on by connecting MetaMask

Use this link to request some fake $$

Deploy to Rinkeby Testnet

Add the following codes to the hardhat.config.js file


module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.0",
  networks: {
    rinkeby: {
      url: "YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_URL", //get from Alchemy
      accounts: ["YOUR_PRIVATE_RINKEBY_ACCOUNT_KEY"] // get from MetaMask

Open a new command window and run

cd my-wave-portal
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

The terminal will return something like smart-contract-4

We can take the WavePortal address 0x527D0C58c2deE5DC420D7B817F106d3124A224B0 and check it on Etherscan
