Ethereum Data Basics
The Web3 Raw Data Space
Ethereum Client
- An implementation of Ethereum that allows one to read data and interact with the blockchain from the desktop. Essentially, like downloading a software and running on your own desktop without relying on any third parties
Node Endpoints-as-a-service
- Infrastructure provider running an Ethereum Client and openning up an API endpoint for anyone to query
Data Mappers
- Parsing transaction and event log data into a format that can be queried with transitional languages like SQL and GraphQL
Three Main Transaction Tables in dune
- from: sender address
- to: recipient address
- success: state
- value: ETH value transfered
- gas columns: gas_limit, gas_price, gas_used
- calldata: function call data
- hash: transaction hash
- blocknumber: transaction block number
- block_time: time of the transaction
- from: sender address
- to: recipient address
- success: state
- value: ETH value transfered
- input: function input data
- output: function return
- code: typically a call or create
- call_type: opcodes
- gas columns
- tx_hash
- blocknumber
- block_time
- contract_address
- topic1: event signature
- topic2: first indexed parameter emitted
- topic3: second indexed parameter emitted
- topic4: third indexed parameter emitted
- data: any other parameter emitted
- tx_hash
- blocknumber
- block_time
Code Example
-- look at the first 10 ethereum transactions
SELECT * FROM ethereum."transactions"
-- just need the hashes
SELECT "hash" FROM ethereum."transactions"
-- look up the exact transaction based on a specific hash
-- the leading 0 in the hash needs to be changed to "\"
SELECT * FROM ethereum."transactions" tx
WHERE "hash" = '\x2a72c6e47f8283723b5ca132cf6ec7614bcdec7af6d210cca26bcac37ac7fb26'
-- look up the value transferred for a specific transaction
-- transform the value from heximal to decimal using the bytea2numeric function
SELECT "data", bytea2numeric("data")/1e6 as "data_trans" FROM ethereum."logs" el
WHERE el."tx_hash" = '\x2a72c6e47f8283723b5ca132cf6ec7614bcdec7af6d210cca26bcac37ac7fb26'
-- look up transactions that happen within the last month from certain users in aave
# in descending order based on transaction amount
SELECT * FROM aave_v2."LendingPool_evt_Deposit"
WHERE "user" IN ('\x0f8361ef329b43fa48ac66a7cd8f619c517274f1','\x7ffc460cea6f22f598b6e02f1c9b1e197a597b19','\xbce6053b60c5913f4190c95f629f473be0e379aa')
AND "evt_block_time" > now() - interval '1 month'
ORDER BY "amount" DESC
31 March 2022
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