Blockchain Basics & Transactions
Bitcoin Transaction Format
- Previous Transaction ID
- Index (indicate how much bitcoin for transaction)
- Signature
- Value in Satoshis
- Public Key (bitcoin address)
Coinbase Transaction
- Generation of a freshly minited bitcoin
- The only input is the coinbase block reward
- Reward halves every 210,000 blocks (originally 50 bitcoins per block)
- May include 100 bytes of arbitray data
- The Genesis Bock included Headline from Financial Times: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”
translated into
Unspent Tranaction Output (UTXO)
- A UTXO is like the change we receive in a cash transaction which can be used for future transaction. It is a transaction output that can be used as input in a new transaction.
- Like a note or a coin, a UTXO can not be split. However, new UTXOs can be created. For example, assuming i have a UTXO of 0.8 bitcoin and another UTXO of 0.6 bitcoin. If I wish to send 1 bitcon, the two UTXOs will be used as inputs for the transaction and be destroyed, or spent. Two new outputs will be created, one worth 1 bitcoin sent to the recipient and another worth 0.39 bitcoin (since there is transaction fee) sent back to me.
- UTXO addresses the double spend problem.
- A UTXO set contains all the currently unspent bitcoins and is stored using a LevelDB database in Bitcoin Core called “chainstate”
- The sume of all UTXOs equal to the total bitcoin in circulation.
Bitcoin Script
- Stack-based code and cannot do loops so not turing-complete