Capital Market Expectations
- A Framework for Developing Capital Market Expectations
- Challenges in forecasting
- Economics Growth
- Approaches to Economic Forecasting
- Business Cycle
- Inflation Expectation
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- International Interactions
- Approaches to Forecast Asset Values
- Forecasting Real Estate Return
- Forecasting Exchange Rates
- Forecasting Volatilities
A Framework for Developing Capital Market Expectations
- Specify the set of expectations needed, including the time horizon(s) to which they apply.
- Research the historical record.
- Specify the method(s) and/or model(s) to be used and their information requirements.
- Determine the best sources for information needs.
- Interpret the current investment environment using the selected data and methods, applying experience and judgment.
- Provide the set of expectations needed, documenting conclusions.
- Monitor actual outcomes and compare them with expectations, providing feedback to improve the expectations-setting process.
Challenges in forecasting
Limitations of Economic Data
- Time lag
- Revisions to data
- Changes in definition and methodologies
Data Measurement Errors and Biases
Transcription errors
Survivorship bias
Appraisal (smoothed) data
. For certain assets without liquid public markets, appraisal data are used in lieu of transaction data. Appraised values tend to be less volatile than market-determined values. As a result, measured volatilities are biased downward and correlations with other assets tend to be understated.
The Limitations of Historical Estimates
Regime change
: Changes that stem from technological, political, legal, and regulatory environments.- Regime changes give rise to the statistical problem of
Biases and Uncertainties in Analysts’ Methods
Data-mining bias
: repeatedly searching a dataset until a statistically significant pattern emerges. Lack of an explicit economic rationale for a variable’s usefulness is a warning sign of a data-mining problem:Time-period bias
:Research findings often turn out to be sensitive to the selection of specific starting and/or ending datesModel uncertainty
: whether a selected model is structurally and/or conceptually correct.Parameter uncertainty
: parameters are invariably estimated with error.Input uncertainty
: inputs could be incorrect or the need to proxy for an unobservable variable
Shrinkage Estimate
Shrinkage estimation involves taking a weighted average of a historical estimate of a parameter and some other parameter estimate
Economics Growth
Exogenous Shocks to Growth
- Policy changes
- New products and technologies
- Geopolitics
- Natural disasters
- Natural resources/critical inputs.
- Financial crises
Trend Growth after a Financial Crisis
- Type 1: A persistent (permanent, one-time) decline in the level of output, but the subsequent trend rate of growth is unchanged.
- Type 2: No persistent decline in the level of output, but the subsequent trend rate of growth is reduced.
- Type 3: Both a persistent decline in the level of output and a reduction in the subsequent trend rate of growth.
Decomposition of GDP Growth
- growth from labor inputs, consisting of
- growth in potential labor force size and
- growth in actual labor force participation
- growth from labor productivity, consisting of
- growth from increasing capital inputs (
capital deepening
) - growth in
total factor productivity
- growth from increasing capital inputs (
Aggregate market value of equity, Ve = Nominal GDP * the share of profits in the economy, Sk (earnings/GDP) * the P/E ratio (PE).
Approaches to Economic Forecasting
Econometric Modeling
: application of quantitative modeling and analysis grounded in economic theory to the analysis of economic data.Structural models
: specify functional relationships among variables based on economic theory.Reduced-form model
: more compact representations of underlying structural models. Evaluate endogenous variables in terms of observable exogenous variables.
- Robust models
- New data may be collected and consistently used within models to quickly generate output.
- Delivers quantitative forecasts
- Imposes discipline/consistency on analysis.
- Complex and time-consuming to formulate.
- Relationships not static. Model may be mis-specified.
- May give false sense of precision
- Rarely forecasts turning points well
Economic Indicators
Leading economic indicator
Lagging economic indicator
Diffusion Index
: an index that measures how many indicators are pointing up and how many are pointing down.Look-Ahead Bias
: a study relies on data or information that is not yet available or known during the study
- Usually intuitive and simple in construction.
- Focuses primarily on identifying turning points.
- Data available from third parties. Easy to track.
- History subject to frequent revision
- Overfitted in sample. Likely overstates forecast accuracy.
- “Current” data not reliable as input for historical analysis.
- Can provide false signals.
- May provide little more than binary (no/yes) directional guidance.
Checklist Approach
- Consider a whole range of economic data to assess the economy’s future position.
- Flexible. Structural changes easily incorporated. Items easily added/dropped.
- Breadth: Can include virtually any topics, perspectives, theories, and assumptions.
- Subjective. Arbitrary. Judgmental.
- Time-consuming. Manual process limits depth of analysis.
- No clear mechanism for combining disparate information.
- Imposes no consistency of analysis across items or at different points in time.
Business Cycle
Initial Recovery
- The economy picks up, business confidence rises, an upturn in spending on housing and consumer durables.
- Stimulative policies are still in place. Transitioning to tightening mode.
- Negative output gap is large
- Inflation is typically decelerating
- Rates are low and bottoming.
- Yield curve is steep. Shortest yields begin to rise first.
- Cyclical assets and riskier assets typically perform well.
Early Expansion
- Unemployment starts to fall
- Output gap remains negative
- Businesses step up production and investment
- Profits typically rise rapidly.
- Short rates are moving up as the central bank starts to withdraw stimulus
- Yields rising. The yield curve is flattening.
Late Expansion
- Output gap closes
- Unemployment is low, profits are strong
- Both wages and inflation are rising
- Debt coverage ratios may deteriorate as balance sheets expand and interest rates rise.
- Interest rates are typically rising as monetary policy becomes restrictive.
- Stock markets often rise but may be volatile as nervous investors endeavor to detect signs of looming deceleration.
- Yield curve continues to flatten
- Cyclical assets may underperform while inflation hedges such as commodities outperform.
- Economy is slowing and approaching the eventual peak
- Inflation often continues to rise
- Monetary policies become restrictive.
- The yield curve may invert. Credit spreads generally widen.
- The stock market may fall, with interest-sensitive stocks such as utilities underperforming and “quality” stocks with stable earnings performing best.
- Firms cut production sharply. Profits drop sharply.
- Unemployment can rise quickly
- Monetary policies more stimulating to combat downward momentum
- Yields declining.
- The yield curve steepens substantially.
- The stock market declines in the earlier stages of the contraction but usually starts to rise in the later stages, well before the recovery emerges.
- Credit spreads typically widen and remain elevated until signs of a trough emerge
Inflation Expectation
Inflation at or below expectations
- Cash Equivalents (CE) and Bonds: Neutral with stable or declining yields
- Bonds: Positive as rates decreases and prices increases. Persistent deflation benefits the highest-quality bonds because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the creditworthiness of lower-quality debt.
- Equity: Positive with predictable economic growth
- Real Estate (RE): Neutral with typical rates of return
Inflation above expectations
- CE: Positive with increasing yields
- Bonds: Negative as rates increase and prices decline
- Equity: Negative, though some companies may be able to pass through inflation and do well
- RE: Positive as real asset values increase with inflation
- CE: Negative with approximately 0% interest rates
- Bonds: Benefits the highest-quality bonds because it increases the purchasing power of the cash flows, but it is likely to impair the creditworthiness of lower-quality debt.
- Equity: Negative as economic activity and business declines
- RE: Negative as property values generally decline
Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- Fiscal policies: taxation and spending
Monetary policeis: policy rates and liquidity provision
- Loose (tight) fiscal policy = High (low) real rates
- Loose (tight) monetary policy = High (low) expected inflation
Taylor’s Rule
i*, target nominal policy rate = r-neutral, real policy rate that would be targeted if growth is expected to be at trend and inflation on target + π-e, expected inflation rate + 0.5 * (Y-e, expected real GDP growth rates - Y-trend, long-term trend in the GDP growth rate) + 0.5 * (π-e, expected inflation rate - π-target, targeted inflation rate)
International Interactions
Current Account
: net exports of goods and services, net investment income flows, and unilateral transfers.Capital Account
:net investment flows for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Portfolio Investment (PI) flows
Y = C + I + G + X - M
Y = C + S (private savings) + T(tax)
(X, expoert - M, import) = (S, savings - I, investment) + (T, tax - G, gov spending)
Current Account = (S-I) + (T-G)
The Impossible Trinity
- Unrestricted capital flows
- Fixed exchange rate
- Independent monetary policy
Approaches to Forecast Asset Values
- Formal tools
- Statistical Methods
- Sample statistics: sample means, variances, and correlations
Shrinkage estimation
: taking a weighted average of two estimates of the same parameter—one based on historical sample data and the other based on some other source or informationTime series estimation
: forecasting a variable on the basis of lagged values of the variable being forecast
- Discounted Cash Flow
- Risk Premium Models
- An equilibrium model, i.e. CAPM
- A factor model
- Building blocks
- Statistical Methods
- Surveys
- Judgement
The Building Block Approach to Fixed-Income Returns
- The Short-term Default-free Rate
- The Term Premium
- The Credit Premium
- The Liquidity Premium
DCF Approach to Equity Returns
Grinold–Kroner model
E(Re) ≈ D/P + (%ΔE−%ΔS) + %ΔP/E Expected equity return ≈ dividend yield + expected changes in earnings - expected changes in S/O + expected changes in PE ratio
Risk Premium Approaches to Equity Returns
Singer and Terhaar model
Under the assumption of full integration with the global market portofolio: Risk Premium = β * GIM Risk Premium = correlation * (SD of asset / SD of GIM ) * GIM Risk Premium = correlation * SD of asset * GIM Sharpe Ratio
Under the assumption of full segmentation of markets, β = 1 and each asset is their own market Risk Premium = 1 * Market Risk Premium = 1 * SD of asset * (Risk premium of the asset / SD of asset) = Asset Risk * Asset Sharpe Ratio
The weighted average of two component: RPi = φ * Risk Premium Under Integration Assumption +(1−φ) * Risk Premium Under Segmentation Assumption
Forecasting Real Estate Return
Cap Rate = Net Operating Income / Property Value
Expected Return = Cap Rate + NOI growth rate
Forecasting Exchange Rates
Purchase Power Parity
- %Δ Ex Rate = %Δ Country A Inflation Expectation - %Δ Country B Inflation Expectation
Uncovered Interest Rate Partiy
- %Δ Ex Rate = %Δ Country A Nominal Interest Rate - %Δ Country B Nominal Interest Rate
- Yet the profitability of carry trade - borrowing in low-rate currencies and lending in high-rate currencies—violates the UIP assumption
Forecasting Volatilities
Sample Statistics for CVC Matrix
- Unbiased and correct on average
- Converges to the true CVC matrix as sample size gets larger
- Can’t be used for large numbers of assets
- Substantial sampling error unless number of observations is at least 10 times number of assets
- No cross sectional consistency
Factor Model for CVC Matrix
- Can be used when number of assets exceeds number of observations
- Reduce the number of unique parameters to be estimated
- Imposes cross-sectional structure
- Substantially reduce estimation error
- Mis-specified factor model will be biased and in consistent and will no converge on average
Shrinkage Estimation for CVC Matrix
- Weighted average of the two methods
- Captures the benefits of both methods while increase the efficiency (reduce MSE) of the estimates
Estimating Volatility from Smoothed Returns
- Current observed return, Rt, is a weighted average of the current true return, rt, and the previous observed return: Rt = (1−λ)*rt + λR_t−1
- var(r) = (1+λ)/(1−λ) * var(R) > var(R)
Time-Varying Volatility: ARCH Models
- Current variance depends only on the variance in the previous period and the unexpected component of the current return
- σ_t^2 = γ + α x σ_t−1^2 + β x η_t^2 = γ + (α+β)x σ_t−1^2 + β x (η_t^2 − σ_2t−1^2)