Derivatives and Currency Management


Put Call Parity

C = P + S - PV(X)

Put Call Forward Parity

C = P + PV(F) - PV(X)


Synthetic Forward Position

To hedge a long forward position

To hedge a short forward position

Covered Call

Protective Put


Bull spread

Bear spread

Calendar spread





σ_Annual(%)=σ_Monthly(%) * sqrt(252/21)

Volatility smile

Volatility skew

Term Structure of Volatility

Option Choice



Interest Rate Swap

Notional Amount for Interest Rate Swap = (Target Modified Duration - Portfolio Modified Duration) / Interest Rate Swap Duration * Market Value of Bond Portfolio

Cheapest-to-deliver Bond

MV(CTD) = CTD Price / 100 * Futures Contract Size

Basis Point Value (BPV) = Modified Duration * 0.01% * Market Value

Number of Futures Contract to Hedge = - (BPV_target - BPV_portfolio) / BPV_CTD * Conversion Factor

Equity Futures

Number of futures contract = (target beta - current beta) / futures beta * portfolio size / futures price

Bond Futures

Variance Swaps

Variance Notional = Vega Notional / (2 * Strike)

VarSwap_t = Variance Notional * PV factor * (t/T * realized volatility^2 + (T-t)/T * Implied volatility^2 - strike^2)

Settlement_T = Variance Notional * (Realized volatility^2 - Strike^2)

Total Return Swap

Compared to ETF

Fed Fund Futures

Fed funds futures contract price = 100 − Expected FFE rate.

Probability of rate hike = (Fed Fund Rate implied by futures contract - mid-point of current fed rate) / (mid-point if rate hike is enacted - mid-point of current fed rate)

Foreign Currency

Price Currency / Base Currency

Down the ask and divide Up the bid and multiply

Currency Risk and Return

Domestic Currency Return = (1 + Return in Foreign Currency) * (1 + Return in Forex Rate) - 1

Domestic Currency Volatility^2 = Foreign Currency Volatility^2 + Forex Rate Volatility^2 + 2 * Foreign Currency Volatility * Forex Rate Volatility * correlation

Currency Hedge Strategies

Dynamic vs. Static

A static hedge will avoid transaction costs but tend to accumulate unwanted currency exposures as the value of the foreign-currency assets change, causing a mismatch between the market value of the foreign-currency asset portfolio and the nominal size of the forward contract used for the currency hedge

Forward vs. Futures

Option Strategies

Roll Yields

A US-based fund manager holding UK government bonds have a long position in GBP. He will want to hedge the GBP against USD by shorting GBP forward.

The current spot rate is USD/GBP 1.28 and the 3-month futures price is USD/GBP 1.20. F < S, the base currency (GBP) is trading at a forward discount. To hedge, he will short GBP futures at a lower price and as the contract gets close to maturity, the futures price will approach the spot price of 1.28 and he proceeds to close the contract by buying GBP at 1.28 => there will be a loss on the futures contract => resulting in a negative roll yield. This would increase the hedging cost.

Option Strategies

Considerations for emerging market currency exposure

Currency Hedge Consideration

Carry Trade and Forward Premium Bias

  Buy/Invest Sell/Borrow
Implementing the carry trade High-yield currency Low-yield currency
Trading the forward rate bias Forward discount currency Forward premium currency