Fixed-Income Portfolio Management

Statistical Credit Analysis

Fixed Income Portfolio Measures


Macaulay duration

Modified duration

Effective Duration

Key Rate Duration

Empirical duration

Money duration

Price value of a basis point (PVBP)

Spread Duration

Duration times spread (DTS)

Portfolio dispersion


Effective convexity

Fixed Income Return Model

E(R) = Coupon income +/– Rolldown return +/– E(ΔPrice due to investor’s view of benchmark yield) +/– E(ΔPrice due to investor’s view of yield spreads) +/– E(ΔPrice due to investor’s view of currency value changes)

Rolling yield = Coupon income return + rolldown return

Coupon income return = coupon / current price Rolldown return=(Bond price_t1 - Bond price_t0) / Bond price_to

E(ΔPrice due to investor’s view of benchmark yield) = - ModDur * ΔYield + 0.5 * Convexity * ΔYield^2

E(ΔPrice due to investor’s view of yield spreads) = - ModDur * ΔSpread + 0.5 * Convexity * ΔYield^2

Repo Agreements

Dollar interest = principal * repo rate * days/360

Classification of Liabilities

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

Portfolio Immunization

Immunized portfolio convexity = (MacDur^2 + MacDur + Dispersion) / (1 + Cash flow yield)^2

Immunization Conditions

Single Liabilities

Multiple Liabilities

Derivatives Overlay

Number of futures to sell = (Liability BPV - Asset BPV) / Futures BPV

If assets < liabilities, we long futures. The long position increase in value if interest rate falls. If assets > liabilities, we short futures. The short position increase in value if interest rate rises.

Calls and Puts



Asset BPV + (Notional Amount * Swap BPV / 100) = Liability BPV


Long a receiver swaption: receive fixed payment and pay float Long a payer swaption: receive float and pay fixed

Bond Index

Tracking error of 1% means that assuming normally distributed returns, in 68% of time periods, the fund should have a return that is within 1% of the tracked index.

Reduce tracking error

Yield Curve

Butterfly Spread

Bull Steepening

Bear Steepening

Bull Flattening

Bear Flattening

Credit Risk

Expected Exposure (EE) * (1 - Recovery Rate, RR) = Loss Given Default, LGD LGD * Probability of Default, POD = Expected Loss, Loss POD Approximation: POD = Spread / LGD

Credit Spread

Spread strategies

Expected Excess Return

E [ExcessSpread] ≈ Current OAS − (EffSpreadDur × ΔSpread) − (POD × LGD)

EXR = (s × t) – (∆s × SD) – (t × p × L) where s = Z-spread t = Holding period SD = Spread duration p = Probability of default L = Loss severity


EXR = OAS - Expected Loss

Leverage Return

Leveraged Return = Unlevered return + D/E * (unlevered return - borrow rate)

Floating Rate Note (FRN)

Value at Risk

Methods to Assess Portfolio Tail Risk

Parametric Method

Historical Simulation

Monte Carlo Analysis


Upfront premium % = (Fixed Coupon - CDS Spread) * EffSpreadDur