Trading and Performance Evaluation

Reference Prices

Pre-trade benchmarks

Used by portfolio managers who are buying or selling securities on the basis of decision prices.

Intraday benchmarks

Post-trade benchmarks

Price target benchmarks

Execution Algorithm

Scheduled algorithm (POV, VWAP, TWAP)

Percentage of volume (POV)

VWAP algorithms

TWAP algorithms

Opportunistic algorithms (Liquidity-seeking)

Dark Aggregator

Arrival price

Trading Cost

Implementation Shortfall = Trading Cost + Delay cost + Opportunity Cost + Fees (TDOF)

Trading Cost = # of shares purchased * (actual price - price_delayed)

Delay Cost = # of shares purchased * (price_delayed - decision price)

Opportunity Cost = # of shares not filled * (closing price - decision price)

Execution Cost = Delay Cost + Trading Cost

Arrival cost

Arrival cost = side * (average price - arrival price) / arrival price * 10000 bps

Market-adjusted cost

Index cost (in bps) = (average index price - arrival index price) / arrival index price * 10000 bps

Market-adjusted cost = arrival cost (in bps) - beta * index cost

If market-adjusted cost is significantly lower than the total arrival cost, this indicates that most of the expense associated with buying is due to the effect of buying it in a rising market as opposed to the buying pressure induced by the order itself.

Trading Strategies


Cash Market vs. Derivatives Market

Derivative market has the following advantages

Thus derivative market is suitable for short-term rebalancing as opposed to reallocating amongst managers

Investment Philosophy

Performance Evaluation

Performance attribution

Return vs. Risk

Macro vs. Micro

Three Approaches

Returns-based attribution



Holdings-based attribution



Transaction- based attribution

Equity Return Attribution

The Brinson–Hood–Beebower approach

Allocation = (portfolio’s sector weight - benchmark’s sector weight) * benchmark sector return Selection = (portfolio’s sector return - benchmark’s sector return) * benchmark sector weight Interaction = (portfolio’s sector weight - benchmark’s sector weight) * (portfolio’s sector return - benchmark’s sector return)

Brinson–Fachler Model

Allocation = (portfolio’s sector weight - benchmark’s sector weight) * (benchmark sector return - benchmark return)

Carhart Four Factor model

Fixed-income attribution

Decomposition of Portfolio Return

Portfolio Return = Market Return + Active Management Return + Style Return S = Benchmark - Market A = Portfolio - Benchmark

Performance Appraisal

Sharpe ratio

Treynor ratio

Information ratio

Appraisal ratio

Sortino ratio

Capture ratios

Investment Manager Selection

Separately Managed Account



Portfolio Reporting and Review

Portfolio Reporting

Fee Structure

AUM Based

Performance Based