Bretton Woods III By Zoltan Pozsar
General observation: people in finance tend to think more highly of China, e.g. Ray Dalio, Charlie Munger and now Pozsar
As an equity analyst, I think I probably understand around 60% of the content. Some memorable points:
- The 2022 Russian supply shock is driven by the consumer, not the supplier
- Four prices of money
- Par: price of different types of money, i.e. cash, deposits, money fund trade 1:1
- Interest: price of future money, i.e. OIS spread
- Exchange rate: price of foreign money
- Price level: price of commodities and everything else
- Every crisis is about the core vs. periphery (U.S. Dollar vs. Asian Currencies, Prime vs. Subprime)
- In every crisis, someone has to provide a backstop to close the gap
No doubt the current crisis provides a golden opportunity for China to step in and promote Renminbi as a global currency. But will the PBoC be the ultimate savior? I am not so certain. I could be wrong.