Airport Operation
Wind direction indicators
Segmented Circle
Visual Glide Slope Indicator
Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)
- Red over white: on the glide slope - you are alright
- White over red: it’s impossible
- White over white: above the glide slope - you are too high
- Red over red: below the glide slope - you are dead
Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
- 4 white: way too high
- 3 white 1 red: slightly high
- 2 white 2 red: on glide path
- 1 white 3 red: slightly low
- 4 red: way too low
Pulsating VASI
- Pulsating white: above glidepath
- Steady white: on glidepath
- Pulsating red: slightly below glidepath
- Steady red: below glidepath
Alignment of Elements
LAHSO Procedure
- Land and Hold Short Operations
- Pilot can refuce LAHSO Clearance
- Visibility must be 3 statute miles or greater
- Available landing distance published in Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD)
ATC Light Signal
19 November 2022
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