Charts and Airspace
Longitude and latitude
- Longitude: east and west of the prime meridian
- Latitude: north and south of equator
Class A - Altitude
- All airspace above 18,000 MSL
- Must be equipped and rated for instrument flying (“IFR”)
- Set altimeter to 29.92 in Hg
Class B - Big
- Surrounds busiest airports
- Must have clearance to enter Bravo airspace
- Must have private pilot licence or a student pilot license with logbook endorsement
- Aircraft needs Mode C transponder within 30 nautical miles (“Mode C veil”)
Class C - Crowed
- Surrounds big airports with some commercial service
- Must establish 2-way radio communication before entering
- Operable Mode C transponder (4095) and encoding altitude
- Usually 10 nautial mile radius
Class D - Dialogue
- Surrounds airport with control towers
- Must establish 2-way radio communication before entering
- Usually 4 nautical mile radius
Class E - Elsewhere
- Other controlled airspace
- No need to communicate or obtain permission
Class G - Go for it
- Uncontrolled airspace
Special Use Airspace
Prohibited Areas
- Flight of aircraft is prohibited.
- Charted as a “P” followed by a number (e.g., P-40).
Restricted Areas
- If the hazardous activities are not active, ATC may allow aircraft in
- Restricted areas are charted with an “R” followed by a number (e.g., R-4401)
Warning Areas
- Airspace extending from 3 NM outward from the coast of the United States
- May be located over domestic or international waters or both.
- The airspace is designated with a “W” followed by a number
Military Operation Areas (MOAs)
- A VFR pilot can fly through an active MOA without talking to anyone but not recommended
- Nonparticipating IFR traffic may be cleared through a MOA if IFR separation can be provided by ATC
Alert Areas
- Areas that may contain a high volume of pilot training or an unusual type of aerial activity.
- Depicted on aeronautical charts with an “A” followed by a number
Controlled Firing Areas (CFAs)
- CFAs contain activities that, if not conducted in a controlled environment, could be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft.
- Not charted because all activity stops when the user spots an aircraft.
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR)
- Protecting public figures like the POTUS