Flight Operation
- Paperwork
- Right of Way
- Minimum Safe Altitude
- Aircraft Speed
- Electronic Navigation
- GPS Navigation
- VOR Navigation
Following documents must be in the aircraft (AROW)
- [A]irworthiness Certificate: no expiration date
- [R]egistration: needs to renew every three years
- [O]perating Limitations: FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), Pilot’s Opearting Handbook (POH), Instrument placards, markings
- [W]eight and Balance information
Right of Way
- In descending order
- Aircraft in distress
- Balloon
- Glider
- Towing or aerial refueling
- Aircraft on the right
- When aircraft are approaching each other head-on, each pilot of each aircraft shall alter course to the right.
- An aircraft being overtaken has the right-of-way.
- When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for landing, the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way
Minimum Safe Altitude
- Over congested area: 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.
- Over “other than a congested area”: 500 feet above the surface
- Over water or sparsely populated area: 500 feet from any person, vessel, vehicle or structure
- Engine failures: must fly at an altitude allowing an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.”
Aircraft Speed
- Max 250 knots below 10,000 feet
- Max 200 knots below 2,500 feet and within 4 NM of Class C or D airport • Max 200 knots beneath Class B airspace
Electronic Navigation
GPS Navigation
- Composed of 31 satellite
- At least five satellites are always visible to a user worldwide
VOR Navigation
- VOR stands for VHF (very high frequency) omni-directional range radio. This is a 30-300 MHz frequency band.