Asana: Yoga Poses

Easy Pose

Sanskrit: Sukhasana

Sit on the floor with knees widened and bended, shin crossed and slip each foot beneath the opposite knee. Hands resting on your thighs with your palms facing up or down. Rise tall in your spine, relaxing the shoulder nlades down the back

Staff Pose

Sanskrit: Dandasana

Sit on the floor with legs together and extended straight in front. Engage the thigh muscles and flex both feet. Hold the arms straight and palms flat on the floor on either side of the hip. Inhale to lengthen your spine.

Perfect Pose

Sanskrit: Siddhasana

Sit on the floor with knees widened and bended. Tuck your feet in to close the gap between the ankles and pelvic area. Sit nice and tall, keeping the head, neck and spine straight and vertical

Butterfly Pose

Sanskrit: Buddha Konasana

Sit on the floor. Bend the knees and pull the heals toward the pelvis areas. Press the soles of the feet together. Grab the big toe of each foot.

Recling Butterfly Pose

Sanskrit: Supta Buddha Konasana

Exhale and lean back towards the floor slowly. Press the soles of the feet together and let the knees drop wide open to both sides. Draw the shoulder gently inward and let the arms relax on the side with palm facing up

Lotus Pose

Sanskrit: Padmasana

Advance level only.

Sit on the floor. Bring the right foot to the crease of the left hip. Then bend the left knee and bring the left foot to tuck into the right hip crease.

Hero’s Pose

Sanskrit: Virasana

Kneel on the floor. Slide the feet apart and let the buttocks rest on the floor. Keep the feet and the shins alongside the thighs. Place the hands on top of the thighs

Child’s Pose

Sanskrit: Balasana

Kneel on the floor. Spreed the knees apart with big toes touching each other. Rest the buttocks on the heels. Exhale, lean forward and lay the upper body between the thighs, forehead on the floor. Extend the arms straight ahead, palms facing down.


  1. Arms extending forward and palms facing up helps to release the shoulder.
  2. For deeper relaxation, bring the arms back to rest along side the thighs with palms facing up

Cat Pose

Sanskrit: Marjariasana

From table top position, on an exhale, press into the hands as if pressing the floor away, hollow out the belly, round the spine, and drop the head.

Cow Pose

Sanskrit; Bitalasana

On an inhale, drop the belly, arch the back and turn the gaze up as you open the throat.

Downward Dog

Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana

From table top position, exhale and push back through hands to lift the hips and straighten the legs. Keep a micro bend at the knee to prevent injury. Walk the dog: Bending one knee at a time while straightening the other leg and reaching the heel to the ground

Belly Twist Pose

Sanskrit: Jathara Parivartanasana

Lie on the back with the knees hugged into the chest. Turn the belly to the left and stretch the arms out to the sides like a “t” at shoulder level. On an exhale, drop the knees to the right side.

Plank Pose

Sanskrit: Phalakasana

From table top position, extend one leg back with your toes tucked and then the other leg, so you are in a high push-up position. The body is in a straight line from head to heels. Slide the shoulder blades down along the spine.

Side Plank Pose

From plank pose, roll onto the outside edge of your right foot, and stack your left foot on top of the right. Align the body into one long diagonal line from heels to the crown of your head. Stretch the left arm toward the ceiling. Gaze up at the left hand.

Shooting bow

Sanskrit: Akarna Dhanurasana

Sit with both legs extended straight out in front. Lean forward and grab the big toes with your hand. On an exhale, bend the left knee and draw the left foot toward toward the ear. Turn the head toward the right foot, as if gazing at a golden target. The right arm is the arrow and the left arm draws the bowstring back.

Seated Forward Bend

Sanskrit: Paschimottanasana

Sit on the floor. Inhale and lean forward, without rounding the back. Walk the hands out along each leg as far as possible. Grab the feet if reachable.

Cow Face Pose

Sanskrit: Gomukhasana

Sit on the floor. Cross the right leg over the left leg, stacking the right knee on top of the left knee. Bend the knees to bring both heels to the outside of the opposite hip. Inhale, take both arms out to the side. Exhale, bend the elbow and bring the right arm anticlockwise behind the back and reach the right hand down. Bring the left hand down the back reaching for the right hand. Clasp the hand or the fingertips if possible.

Marichi’s Pose

From staff pose, bend the right knee so that the sole of the right foot sits on the ground and the toes facing forward. Keep the left leg straight. On an exhale, lift up the spine and chest and then rotate the torso to the right side. Move the left arm to the right side so that the arm presses against the outside of the bent right knee. Bend the left elbow and hold the left hand up so that the left hand is about at the same height as the head. The left forearm and hand will be perpendicular to the floor.

Pigeon Pose

Sanskrit: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

From table top position, bring the right knee forward toward the right wrist, right heel in front of the left hip. Slide the left leg back and point the toes, heels pointing up to the ceiling. Inhale, lengthen the spine and open the chest. Exhale, bend forward and drop the elbow the floor

Sleeping Pigeon Pose

From pigeon pose, walk the arms forward until your forehead rests on the floor.

Mermaid Pose

Sanskrit: Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana

From the pigeon pose, bend the back knee (left) and grab the left foot with left hand. Slide the foot into the crook of left elbow. Reach the right arm straight up toward the ceiling. Bend the elbow and drop the hand behind the head. Bring the hands to meet. Keep the chest pointing forward.

Garland Pose: Malasana

Lower into a squat and nestle the torso between the thighs. Keep the heels grounded. Press the elbow against the inner knees and the hands returning to the heart.

Tortoise Pose

Sanskrit: Kurmasana

Open the legs out to the side, press the chest forward and the arms down, between the legs and extend out to the sides. Spread the collarbone as you move forward and down.

Wide Angle Forward Bend

Sanskrit: Upavista Konasana

Open the legs as wide as possible. Flex the feet and point the toes up. Inhale and lengthen the spine. Exhale and walk the hands forward and bring the torso to the floor. Keep the back straight and avoid curving the spine.

Frog Pose

Sanskrit: Mandukasana

From a table top position, inhale and slowly move right and left knees out toward the side as you exhale. Flex the feet and the ankles to the side so that the inner feet, inner ankles and inner knees are touching the ground. Avoid pain and do not force your body into a deeper stretch than it’s ready for. Slowly sink down the torso and press the weight into the forearms

Mountain Pose

Sanskrit: Tadasana

Stand with the big toes touching , heels slightly apart. Arms relax on the side, palms facing in. Engage the core with belly in.

Chair Pose

Sanskrit: Utkatasana

Inhale and raise the arms overhead so that the biceps are just slightly in front of the ears. Either the arms parallel, and palms facing inward. Exhale and bend the knees and lean slightly forward.

Goddess Pose

Sanskrit: Utkata Konasana

From a mountain pose, step the left leg back and pivot the body to the side facing the long edge of the mat. Turn the toes outward 45 degress. Sink down and bend the knees until the thighs are parallel to the fllor. Keep the knees in line with the toes and engage the core. Reach the arms out at shoulder height and bend the elbows as if you are holding a ball overhead. Spread the fingertips wide and the activate the muscles across your back.

Happy Bany Pose

Sanskrit: Ananda Balasana

Lie on the back. With an exhale, bend the knees in and grab the outside of the feet with the hands. Open the knees slightly wider than the torso. Position the ankles directly over the knees so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor. Gently push the feet up against the hands as you pull your hands down to create resitance.

Extended Puppy Pose

Sanskrit: Anahatasana

From a table top position, walk the hands forward and lower the chest down toward the ground. Kepp the hips over the knees and the arms shoulder distance apart. Gently drop the forehead down to the groud and allow the neck to relax. Press the hand down into the ground and stretch through the arms as the spine lengthens in both direction.

Bridge Pose

Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Lie on the back. Bend the knees and move the feet closer to the buttocks. Keep them parallel and hip-distance apart. Press down firmly through the feet and inhale to raise the hips. Keep the knees right over the heels. Press the hands onto the ground to stabalize. Continue to breathe.

King Dancer’s Pose

Sanskrit: Natarajasana

From mountain pose, shift the weight onto the right foot. Lift the left foot off ground and grab the left food with the left hand. Lift the right arm striaght up to the ceiling and lift the left leg behind as you bring your torso and the right arm forward as a counterbalance. Keep you gaze fixed on something to maintain balance. Hold 5 - 10 breaths.


Sanskrit: Bhujangasana

Spread the hands on the floor under the shoulders. Stretch the legs back with the tops of the feet on the floor. As your inhale, straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor. Roll the shoulders back and down. Keep the back of the neck long. Keep a slight bend in the elbows.

Upward dog pose

Sanskrit: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

From cobra, inhale and lift the torso up and the legs a few inches off the ground.

Tree Pose

Sanskrit: Vrksasana

From mountain pose, shifting the weight into the left foot. Draw the right foot up and press it to the inside of the left thigh. Avoid making contact with the knee. Plance the hands into Anjali Mudra at the heart.

Extended Triangle

Sanskrit: Utthita Trikonasana

Facing the long side of the mat. From mountain pose, step the feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn the right foot facing the front of the mat. Raise arms parallel to the floor and actively to the sides, shoulder blades wide open and palms down. Exhale and extend the torso to the right. Bend from the hip joint, not the waist. Reach the right hand down - rest it on the shin, ankle or the floor, whatever is possible - and stretch the left arm toward the ceiling. The hands, arms, and shoulders should form a straight line perpendicular to the mat. Look up towards the ceiling.

Revolved Triangle Pose

From triangle pose, turn the gaze down, bring the left hand to the floor and point left toes straight down toward the floor. The hips are parallel to the floor and the back is flat. Turn the torso to the right and reach right arm up toward the ceiling. Turn the head up and gaze at your right hand.

Half Moon Pose

Sanskrit: Ardha Chandrasana

From extended triangle, gaze down at the right foot. With a slight bend in the right knee, shift the weight to the right leg. Place the right hand on the mat in front of th right foot and press down to steady yourself. Lift the back leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Slowly bring the gaze up to the ceilings.

## Revolved Half Moon

From half moon pose, turn the gaze down, bring the left hand to the floor and point left toes straight down toward the floor. The hips are parallel to the floor and the back is flat. Turn the torso to the right and reach right arm up toward the ceiling. Turn the head up and gaze at your right hand.

Crescent Moon Pose

Sanskrit: Ashta Chandrasana

From downward facing dog, exhale and step the right foot forward between the hands. Inhale and raise the torso to an upright position and sweep the arms up with the palms facing one another.

## Eagle Pose

From mountain pose, bend the knees a little and lift the left foot up as you shift weight over to the right foot. Cross your left thigh over your right, and hook it there. Reach both arms out in front and warp your left arm over your right, crossing the left elbow over the right and pressing the palm together.

## Warrior I

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 1

From mountain pose, step the left foot back and turn the left foot to the left. Bend the left knee so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor and the thigh is parallel to the floor.Keep the hips facing front. Raise the arms perpendicular to the floor and parallel to one another as you reach strongly towards the ceiling. Firm the shoulder blades on the back and pull them down towards the tailbone.

Warrior II

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 2

From warrior 1, turn the torso to the side and reach strongly through both arms toward the front and back of the mat and turn your head to look past your right fingertips

Reverse Warrior

Sanskrit: Viparita Virabhadrasana

From warrior 2, on an inhale, flip the front palm to the sky and reach the front arm up over head as you lean to the left hand side. The right arm is reaching up and tilting back and the left arm reaches down the left leg. Lift the chest as you come into a gentle backbend. Look to your raised hand.

## Warrior III

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 3

From warrior 1, bring the arms forward parallel to the floor. Gradually shift the weight toward the front leg until you are able to lift the back foot off the ground. Keep lifting the leg until the arms, the torso and the legs form a straight line parallel to the floor.

Extended Side Angle Pose

Sanskrit: Utthita Parsvakonasana

From warrior I, inhale and bring the right hand down to the floor in front of the right foot and the left arm up towards the ceiling. Exhale and extend the left arm over the ear, making a straight line with the left side of the body.

Revovled Side Angle Pose

From warrior I, place the palms together in Anjali Mudra. Twist the torso to the left and nring the right elbow to the outside of the left knee. To deepen the stretch, take the right hand to the floor and reach left arm straight up

Pyramid Pose

Sanskrit: Parsvottanasana

From mountain pose at the top of the mat, step the right foot back. Line up heel to heel with the back foot at 45 degree angle. Inhale and lengthen the spine. Bring the palms together behind the back if possible, or resting at the hips. Exhale, hinge at the hips and bend forward and toward the front thigh. Release the forehead toward the shin.

Forward Fold

Sanskrit: Uttanasana

From mountain pose, on an exhale, hinge forward from the hip joint. Focus on lengthening the front torso as you move deeper into the fold. Keep the knees straight and reach the hands to the floor as far as possible.

Wide Leg Forward Fold

Sanskrit: Prasarita Padottanasana

From mountain pose facing the long side of the mat, step the feet 3 to 4 feet apart, with hands on the hips. Hinge at the hip and fold the torso slowly forward without rounding the back. Interlace the fingers behind the back and lift your knuckles toward the ceiling

Shoulder Stand

Sanskrit: Salamba Sarvangasana

Lay on the mat with upper back on a sturdy folded blanket. Bend the knees and set the feet against the floor. On an exhale, press the arms against the floor and lift up the feet. Draw the thighs in towards the torso. Roll on the back, bringing the weight towards the upper back and shoulders. Bend the elbows, and place the hands on the low back to support. Keep the gaze upward and the neck straight. Stretch the legs up towards the ceiling.

Plow Pose

Sanskrit: Halasana

From shoulder stand, exhale and hinge from the hip joint to slowly lower the feet to the floor above and beyond the head. Keep the torso perpendicular to the floor and the legs fully extended.