AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals
- Cloud Computing
- Dedicated vs VM vs Containers vs Functions
- SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS
- Azure Deployment mODEL
- High Availability (HA)
- High Scalability
- High Elasticity
- High Durability
- Global Infrastructure
- Redundancy
- Defense-in-depth
- Scale Sets
- IoT
Cloud Computing
Dedicated Server
- One physical machine
- Used by one business
- Runs a single website/app
- Very expensive, high maintenance, high security
Virtual Private Server
- One physical machine virtualized into sub-machines
- Used by one business
- Runs multiple website/apps
Shared Hosting
- One physical machine virtualized into sub-machines
- Used by multiple business
- Very cheap, very limited
Cloud Hosting
- Multiple physical machines act as one system
- The system is abstracted into multiple cloud services
- Flexible, scalable, secure, cost-effective, high configurability
Dedicated vs VM vs Containers vs Functions
- A physical server used by only one customer
- Capacity not elastic, maybe unerpaying or overpaying for capacity
- Ungrading will be expensive
- Limited by the operating system
Virtual Machines
- Hypervisor can build multiple VMs to run on one physical server
- Pay for a fraction of the server
- Limited by the guest operating system
- Multiple apps on a single VM can result in conflicts in resource sharing
- Docker Deamon allows multiple containers to run on a VM
- Maximize the utility of available capacity
- More cost effective
- Apps not limited to the Guest OS and will not cause conflicts during resources sharing
- AKA Serverless Computing
- Only responsible for the code and data
- Extremely cost effective, only pay for the time code is running
- Cold Start: has to wait for a server to start before the code will execute
SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS
Azure Deployment mODEL
Public Cloud
- Everything built on the cloud service provider
- AKA cloud native
- Most cost effective, organizations pay only for what they use and no capital expenditures to scale up
- Organizations don’t have complete control over resources and security
Private Cloud
- Everthing built on the company’s servers
- AKA on-premise
- Most expensive
- Hardware must be purchased for startup and maintenance
- Organizations are responsible for hardware maintenance and updates
- Organizations have complete control over resources and security
- Use both on-premise and cloud service provider
- Organizations control security, compliance, or legal requirements
- Use multiple cloud service providers
- AKA multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud
High Availability (HA)
- Services remain available by ensuring there is no single point of failure
- Running workload across multiple availability zone
High Scalability
- Increase capacity based on increasing demand of traffic, memory and computing power
- Vertical scaling: upgrade to a bigger server
- Horizontal scaling: add more servers
High Elasticity
- Ability to automatically adjust capacity based on demand
High Durability
- Ability to recover from a disaster, aka Disaster Recovery (DR)
Global Infrastructure
- A group of multiple data centers
- Each region is paired with another region 300 miles away; only one region is updated at a time to ensure no outages
Sovereign Regions
- Instances of Azure that are isolated from the main instance of Azure. - - Use sovereign region for compliance or legal purposes.
Azure sovereign regions include:
US DoD Central, US Gov Virginia, US Gov Iowa and more: These regions are physical and logical network-isolated instances of Azure for U.S. government agencies and partners. These datacenters are operated by screened U.S. personnel and include additional compliance certifications. China East, China North, and more: These regions are available through a unique partnership between Microsoft and 21Vianet, whereby Microsoft doesn’t directly maintain the datacenters.
- A discreet market of two or more regions that preserves data residency and complicance boundaries
Availability Zones (AZ)
- A physical location made up of more or more data center
- A region generally has 3 availability zones
- High Availability:
- For all VMs that have two or more instances deployed across two or more AZs -> 99.99% SLA (Service level agreement)
- For all VMs that have two or more instances deployed in the same AZ -> 99.95% SLA (Service level agreement)
- Recommended Regions are supposed to have 3 AZs
- Regions that does not support az are known as Alternate or Other
Availability Sets
- A logical grouping of VMs that have different fault domain and update domains to avoid downtime
- Each VM in an availability set is assigned a fault domain and update domain
- Fault domain: a group of servers that share a common power source and network switch - a single point of failure
- Update domain: a group of servers that can be updated and rebooted at the same time
Redundancy in the primary region
Locally redundant storage (LRS)
- LRS replicates data three times within a single data center in the primary region.
- LRS provides at least 11 nines of durability (99.999999999%) of objects over a given year.
Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
- ZRS replicates Azure Storage data synchronously across three AZs in the primary region. Z
- RS offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at least 12 nines (99.9999999999%) over a given year.
Redundancy in the secondary region
Geo-redundant storage
- GRS copies data synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region using LRS. It then copies data asynchronously to a single physical location in the secondary region (the region pair) using LRS.
- GRS offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at least 16 nines (99.99999999999999%) over a given year.
Geo-zone-redundant storage
- Data is replicated data across three AZs in the primary region (similar to ZRS) and is also replicated to a secondary geographic region, using LRS, for protection from regional disasters. Microsoft recommends using GZRS for applications requiring
- Provides maximum consistency, durability, and availability, excellent performance, and resilience for disaster recovery.
- The physical security layer is the first line of defense to protect computing hardware in the datacenter.
- The identity and access layer controls access to infrastructure and change control.
- The perimeter layer uses distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection to filter large-scale attacks before they can cause a denial of service for users.
- The network layer limits communication between resources through - segmentation and access controls.
- The compute layer secures access to virtual machines.
- The application layer helps ensure that applications are secure and free of security vulnerabilities.
- The data layer controls access to business and customer data that you need to protect.
Scale Sets
- Group together identical VMs to automatically increases or decrease the number of servers based on:
- change in CPU, memory, network performance
- on a predefined schedule
- A network of Internet connected objects able to collect and exchange data