Computer Network

ISP: Companies with infrastructures built in place that provide access for connecting to the Internect, i.e. Comcast, Googel Fiber, etc

Server: a physical computer or a computer program that provide funactionality for clients

Client: a piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service provided by a server

IP Address: identifies a network connection

MAC Address: identifies a device

Router: Connects to multiple devices and helps direct network traffic

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, rules that ensure data is delivered to ites intended destination with accuracy and integrity

URL: Uniform Resource Location, a web address

DNS: Domain Name System, translates human readable domain name ( to IP address (

TCP/IP Five Layer Network Model


  1. Physical Layer: represents physical devices that interconnect computers, i.e. specifications for the netowrking cables and connectors
  2. Data Link Layer: responsible for defining a common way of interpreting signals so network devices can communicate
  3. Network Layer: allows different networks to communicate with each other through routers
  4. Transport Layer: sorts out which client and server programs are supposed to get the data
  5. Application Layer: where network applications live, e.g. emails and web browsers